Digitize, Analyze & Elevate your Construction Company

In spite of major construction companies having implemented Construction ERP software in their organizations, digitization in the construction industry is still being spoken of. Interconnection, Information Transparency, Technology & Decentralized decision-making (Design principles of Industry 4.0), are the backbone of making organizations future proof.

With standardization in processes and sanitized information available in real-time through the SuperWise Construction Management platform, the construction owner & other decision-makers in the company can leverage learnings from past projects and improve the efficiency in their organization at every level.

Risk Mitigation, In advance

Most construction projects fail as they are unable to identify deviation from project budget or schedule (or both) in time. It is very late in the project that the construction owner is made aware of cost escalations and there is no room for a course correction then.

Real-Time construction management helps identify deviation from planned budget or schedule early on and notifies the construction owner & management of the risks. Collaboration on up-to-date and accurate information shared across teams involved in the project helps mitigate risks well in advance, ensuring on-time & in-budget project delivery.

Simple Processes,Reliable Infrastructure & Secure Information

With the number of events happening on the construction site and given the people involved in managing the same, complicated processes and software become counter-productive. The Construction ERP software is usually restricted to head offices while crude processes for reporting are followed at the site. This makes an ERP unreliable for decision-making. With SuperWise you can get the speed and simplicity of crude processes like handwritten registers & yet get the reliability of complex processes that aids in faster decision making

We make sure that every event on the project is digitized and recorded in real-time. Working with the best cloud providers trusted by Fortune 500 companies, we take the utmost care to ensure that this information is routinely backed up and secure.


Even the ERP software we purchased claimed the same things. How can I trust SuperWise?

That is a valid concern. Take a demo of SuperWise and we will demonstrate the entire process on one of your on-going projects. You can compare it with your Construction ERP and make the call.

We are a corporate organization and require to have multiple levels of review before approving critical documents such as Work Orders. Does SuperWise have a provision for handling complex use cases such as these?

Yes. Having extensively worked with Large Real-Estate Organizations, we not only pre-define certain workflows for you but also allow you to define your own approval workflows for events.

Are you ready to SuperWise?

Take a demo or signup now to experience an empowering construction project management solution.

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